- Access for investigative purposes has been obtained via a granted Section 91 Licence issued under the Land Administration Act from the Department of Lands (DoL) for the rail and conveyor and granted Department of Mines & Petroleum (DMP) tenure for the port land and Balla Balla mine.
- All native title and heritage agreements for the BBI Project and Balla Balla mine are in place with the relevant traditional owner groups:
- Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation for the Ngarluma people,
- Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation for the Yindjibarndi people,
- Wintawari Aboriginal Corporation for the Eastern Guruma people.
- All pastoral lessee and local goverment consents are in place for the proposed State Rail Lease (SRL) and overland conveyor DMP tenure.
- The majority of the mining tenement holder consents are in place for the proposed SRL and overland conveyor DMP tenure.
- BBI Group is finalising negotiations with the State government in relation to a State Agreement for the proposed Special Railway Licence, with the Premier acknowledging the BBI Project to be a State significant project.